2 Point Perspective Drawing Circle Line Art School

Creating buildings is one of the most challenging things to draw, but it's also one of the coolest. Drawing a building can be done with just a few simple lines and shapes, with some windows, doors, and other details. Read on for some step by step tutorials and tips on how to draw building. Drawing them can be difficult at first because it's hard to get the proportions right. However, there are a few tips you can keep in mind that will help you out.

One way to make drawing buildings easier is by using simple shapes like rectangles or circles for the outside lines. You could start off with something more detailed, but this will take away from your time spent on the inside. Once you have all your outer line finished up, go ahead and fill in what needs to be filled in on the inside of those lines. This post will teach you how to draw some basic buildings from all different angles so that you have the tools necessary no matter what type of building comes up in your imagination or drawings.

Drawing a Building: 2 Methods

Source: Circle Line Art School

Draw a Building in Two Point Perspective

Step- 1
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

When drawing perspective, we need to draw the horizon line so as to represent the furthest distance visible.Next, for a two-point perspective, we need to draw two vanishing points as far apart as possible from each other. They will be on the horizon line and they will be where parallel lines look like they meet when they are going away from us.

Step- 2
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

The next step in this drawing is to draw a short vertical line above the horizon line in the middle of your page. This will be the corner of the first building block.

Step- 3
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Next draw the sides of this top part of the building. Draw two lines to the right vanishing point and two lines to the left vanishing point for the right-hand side and the left-hand side of the cuboid.

Step- 4
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Now we can draw two vertical lines between these two diagonal lines going to the vanishing points on either side.

Step- 5
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Next, we draw a line on the bottom side of this cuboid. We draw a line from the right vertical line to the vanishing point on the left and then another one from the left vertical line to the vanishing point on the right. Now we have a cuboid that you can see if you are looking up at it.

Step- 6
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Next, we can repeat this process of drawing a cuboid in two point perspective, but with a new vertical line. A new corner line of the cuboid and this time to the left, slightly to the left, of the first vertical line that we drew. Again use the two vanishing points to find the side angles of this building block, which is smaller than the first block.

The first building block that we drew at the top, this new cuboid has the horizon line going through it, which means that we're looking up at it at the top part of the cuboid the block, but we're looking down at it at the bottom part of the cuboid, because anything below the horizon line was looking down at, anything on the horizon line we're looking straight out, so above the horizon I'm looking up, below the horizon line we're looking down and if we're looking straight to the horizon line our eyes are looking straight ahead.

Step- 7
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

We can repeat a new block again starting this time with a vertical line to the right of our first vertical line that we drew in this drawing. This time we will make the bottom block much bigger than the top block. So it is not top-heavy. To do this, choose to draw vertical lines on the left and right of where the edge of this block happens so that they are near vanishing points which will make a bigger cuboid.

Step- 8
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Next, we could draw a rectangle in perspective on the top cuboid using our vanishing point on the left. And then by using the vanishing point on the right we can give it a little bit of depth as well. With this process, you can add more 3D structures to your building, making them look like inserts. The same two point perspective, so that they look 3D.

Step- 9
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Make sure that all the vertical lines that you add stay vertical to each other and all of the diagonal lines. As long as they're parallel shapes, they need to go either to the left or the right vanishing point. Depending on if they're going towards the left or towards the right, so for example the sides of a cuboid that are going away from us. They will go towards the vanishing point, because they are parallel. The sides of a cuboid are parallel, and they'll be going to the left, if they are going in that direction, they'll be going to the left vanishing point, and if they're going to the right direction, they'll be going to the right vanishing point.

Then if we have several cuboids all together, if all of the cuboids are parallel to each other, we just use the two vanishing points. Next, in the foreground, we can add some steps, draw a line from the right vanishing point all the way across to the left.

Step- 10
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Then where it crosses the baseline of the base cuboid draw a vertical line on the left hand surface of the base cuboid. Now we can draw another vertical line nearby. We can use the left vanishing point to mark out the angle of the steps and then one more line from the right vanishing point to make a rectangular base for our steps in two-point perspective in the


Step- 11
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

We can now draw another line halfway up the two vertical lines that we've just drawn this time going towards the left vanishing point. Then we can draw a new diagonal line to show the angle of the steps. Just choose the angle that you wish and we could extend this new diagonally up through the surface of the base of the cuboid. If you want and then draw another rectangle at the top surface of this cuboid in two-point perspective, once you have that in place or something similar, so that you've got a shape to place the steps and a diagonal on which to draw them. Just divide the sloping line, this diagonal line into a series of evenly spaced steps and all of these lines will be going away from us in two point perspective. They're only going in one direction.

So we're going to use the left-hand vanishing point for all of them. when the steps are in place we can add the rises of the steps, the vertical lines of the steps and that creates a sort of zigzag shape on the edges of steps and then you should have some simple steps going up to our building.

Step- 12
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Now these diagonal lines won't be going to left, they'll be going towards the right vanishing point because they're going in that direction. I think I'll extend some of the lines at the corners in this drawing, so it looks more like a sketch. You could just add some simple shading to your drawing using just two tonal values. For this drawing I'm using a 4b pencil, you could make a dark tonal value for the parts we're looking up at and then maybe a mid-tone for all the parts of the building which are on the right, you could add some diagonal shading, graded shading, sort of going from dark to light to dark to light, for the windows.

There may be some reflective shading on the ground, just repeating some of the shapes above at a softer tonal value lower down to make it look a bit like a reflection. Finally we did it.

Source: Circle Line Art School

Draw a Building in One Point Perspective

Step- 1
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

The first step in perspective is to draw a horizontal line and for one point perspective we need to draw a mark or a cross on that horizon. All vertical lines will stay vertical, but the sides of the buildings that go away from us. If they are parallel, will all meet at this one vanishing point on the right.

Step- 2
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

So we can draw a series of rectangles for the front, and then the sides of all of these buildings. The sides will go to our vanishing point. For this drawing, we need three rectangles in a row. If we draw a vertical line between the diagonal lines that go to the vanishing point, then we can choose where each edge of each building is.

Step- 3
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

To find the shape of a roof that is slanted, we can just draw a line on one side of the building. Then we can use this line to make a triangle. The top part of this triangle will be parallel to the front of the building. As we are looking at it, it is not from the side, it is just straight on at it.

Step- 4
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Now we can find the angle of the first triangle here. We just need to draw a line from the corner of the building, all the way to where it disappears. We will also have to find what is in line with a triangle that is at the front of this building on our left. It will have a diagonal bit and it will be in line with a large triangle that lies on top of this rectangle on our left.

Step- 5
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

We can find the diagonal line to this shape by drawing a line from the top of the triangle to our vanishing point. This will find the angle of the roof in one point perspective, as it goes away from us. If we find the side of this building using our vanishing point at its base, we can now draw an archway in this wall in the foreground at its front.

Step- 6
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

We can draw another line on the left of the arch because we can see the thickness of arches and the thickness of windows on both sides.

We can draw another building behind this one. I will make it a tower. To find the side of the tower, we use our vanishing point. Then we raise the horizon line a little bit so that it is not going through the buildings anymore. We do not need to draw a horizontal line on top of it because it is no longer needed as it goes through both buildings. Now we can join up these two lines with their crossing points over the horizon line and make all of them darker too.

Step- 7
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

We can draw a door and steps in front of it. The sides of the steps will go to the right, so they will all follow diagonal paths to our vanishing point. We'll use that vanishing point to find where the inside corners are for each window and its thickness.

Step- 8
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

We could add a pyramid shape to the top of the tower, just with some triangles. Then above the wall of the courtyard, we can draw another building. It will be a little higher than the first one and will have a pitched roof. We can also add a chimney to this roof. On top of this new roof, we want to put our flagpole with an "S" shape at the bottom and another one at the top line of our flag as well so it looks like it has a fold in it.

Step- 9
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

You could draw a road with some pavement areas and blocks of trees for the ground. Do not draw any details.

Step- 10
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

We can draw a line of clouds going behind some buildings. If something goes behind the buildings, it will make them seem like they are coming forward. Clouds will be behind the buildings, not in front of them. We can add tonal values and shading to the sky and clouds when we are done drawing them.

Step- 11
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

We can make this a soft tone and use a softer color of paint to shade in the left side of the clouds. This will show that there is light coming from the right side, which makes sense because shadows go on the opposite side.

Next, we can make darker tonal values. Like for the bushes, they can be one or two different tonal values. And for the windows, I will make them dark tones. For the sides of the building that are straight on to us, we will make them a mid-tone as well.

Step- 12
how to draw building
Source: Circle Line Art School

Then, once you have done that, you can add some details. But be careful because too many details may not work. You should add the details at the end of your drawing. Start with the big shapes and then add a few more details.

Source: Circle Line Art School


Drawing buildings is a great way to learn the importance of perspective and depth. It is also really cool how you can create an entire city with just a few simple lines that all come together in the end. We hope this article has been helpful in teaching you how to draw building, but if not then we have some other tutorials on our blog for drawing flowers or bikes too.

You have got step-by-step instructions with photos and illustrations of each stage in the process so it's easy to follow along whether you're drawing your first building or simply trying to improve your skillset. It all starts with mastering these basics.

Remember, there are no mistakes when drawing (except maybe forgetting which side was going to be facing the viewer) so don't give up – keep practicing until you feel confident enough.

2 Point Perspective Drawing Circle Line Art School

Source: https://www.tomostudio.com/how-to-draw-building/

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