Before I Die Id Like to Have Fun in a Pokemon Battle Again

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Festival Plaza フェスサークル
Festival Circumvolve
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"

Sun Moon Festival Plaza artwork.png

Map clarification: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Cyberspace
Region: Alola
Generations: 7

Location of Festival Plaza in Alola.
Pokémon world locations

Festival Plaza (Japanese: フェスサークル Festival Circle) is a location in Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Ultra Dominicus and Ultra Moon that collects most of its advice features, such every bit connecting to the Pokémon Global Link and battling or trading with other players, into i place. It is owned past Sophocles and has similarities to features from the Entralink (missions) and Bring together Avenue (shops) in Generation V.

Festival Plaza tin be visited by selecting it from the bill of fare, but it is not present when the game is first started. It is unlocked when Lillie introduces the player to their first Pokémon Center on Road i. If the Festival Plaza icon has a greenish "!", this ways there are people in Festival Plaza with requests for the player.

When the player beginning visits Festival Plaza, Sophocles greets them and recruits them to brand other visitors feel welcome at Festival Plaza. Satisfied visitors volition reward the player with Festival Coins (abbreviated as FC), which tin can exist used at any of the vii shops that ring Festival Plaza. As the player earns more Festival Coins from visitors, their Festival Plaza Rank will go up, which will unlock certain features and allow the thespian to supercede one-time facilities with new ones. The player can also participate in missions to earn Festival Coins.

A purple button at the bottom edge of the lower screen allows the histrion to set options specific to Festival Plaza and communications. These include accepting battles, trades, or missions and communicating with friends, VIPs, or guests. It also includes customizable messages (selectable from set phrases) to be used in other players' Festival Plazas for greeting, parting, and more.

Steps are not counted in Festival Plaza, so Pokémon Eggs volition never hatch and Repels will never wearable off at that place.

Communication features

Bottom screen while in Festival Plaza

The bottom screen while in Festival Plaza shows ii large buttons: Battle and Trade. Boxing leads to the options Link Battle, Visit the Boxing Spot, and Download Rules, while Trade leads to Link Merchandise, GTS, and Wonder Trade.

If the player connects to the Internet, the game will take hold of a list of other players to exist new guests in the player's Festival Plaza. The oldest guests previously in the player's Festival Plaza will be replaced with the newer guests; whatever VIPs the thespian has registered volition remain equally VIPs regardless. The actor can register a guest every bit a VIP by finding them outdoors in Festival Plaza or past paging them indoors courtesy of the woman in the dorsum-left of the castle, and and then speaking to them. The guest and VIP lists each have a maximum of fifty people. Up to 100 people tin can also be placed on a block list.

The calculator merely inside the castle also allows the player to view Battle Videos and perform Game Sync.


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Please experience complimentary to edit this section to add missing data and consummate information technology.
Reason: Images needed for the different castle themes, including TRR theme from USUM

The actor'due south Festival Plaza Rank goes upward every bit they earn Festival Coins from visitors or missions. The amount of Festival Coins required for each Rank depends on the total corporeality the player has earned, non what the player currently has; that is, Festival Coins the histrion spends volition not filibuster the indicate when the player will gain their next Rank.

When the thespian gains a new Festival Plaza Rank, Sophocles will visit the castle to present the player with a advantage. Unremarkably he volition offering a new, random facility, with the "level" of the facility, as seen past the number of stars (★), gradually increasing with higher Ranks. If the thespian has unlocked the opportunity to receive a reward for Sophocles for a rank increase, but never speaks to him until they have gained an additional rank, only 1 reward volition be offered for the new rank, and the other is lost.

If the thespian gains plenty Festival Coins in a single effect to satisfy the threshold for the next two ranks at once (or more), only one rank will exist gained. Each additional rank is withheld until the player receives an additional source of Festival Coins, with i rank given at a time for each source of coins as long as the role player remains above the threshold for the side by side rank. This ensures that if the player chooses to talk to Sophocles each time, they cannot involuntarily miss out on the opportunity for rank rewards simply by gaining too many coins at once.

Sophocles will innovate other new features instead of offering facilities at certain Ranks:

  • At Rank 4, missions become available
  • At Rank 8, visitors are able to introduce the role player to a facility that tin exist placed in the Plaza for a fee
  • At Rank ten, the player tin can order fashion items from visitors
  • At Rank 20, the name of the Plaza can be inverse
  • At Rank 30, if the player has entered the Hall of Fame and become the Champion, special "premium" purchases are unlocked at bouncy houses, nutrient stalls, and goody shops. If the histrion has not yet become Champion, this reward is deferred until the next rank increase later they have.
  • At Rank 40, if the role player has entered the Hall of Fame and become the Champion, the song playing may be changed
  • At Rank 50, the "Glitz" theme becomes available
  • At Rank 60, the "A fairy tale" theme becomes available
  • At Rank lxx, the "Subdued tone" theme becomes bachelor
  • At Rank 100, "I reached Festival Plaza Rank 100!" message becomes available

If i or more than of these static rewards is skipped due to the player advancing multiple ranks without ever talking to Sophocles in between, the skipped rewards volition be given out instead of new facilities, ane at a time, at the next bachelor opportunity where the player talks to him after subsequent rank increases.

Rank FC to next rank FC total for adjacent Take chances of ★ Chance of ★★ Hazard of ★★★ Chance of ★★★★ Adventure of ★★★★★
1 vi six 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
2 +10 xvi 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
iii +xv 31 75% 19% half-dozen% 0% 0%
4 +thirty 61 - - - - -
5 +40 101 75% 15% 10% 0% 0%
6 +50 151 fifty% 38% 12% 0% 0%
vii +sixty 211 50% 36% xiv% 0% 0%
viii +70 281 - - - - -
9 +fourscore 361 50% 32% 18% 0% 0%
10 +ninety 451 - - - - -
11-20 +100 551 - 1,451 30% 40% 22% 7% 1%
21-30 +120 i,571 - 2,651 25% 40% 24% ix% 2%
31-40 +150 2,801 - 4,151 20% 35% 31% eleven% iii%
41-50 +180 4,331 - 5,951 15% 30% 38% xiii% 4%
51-60 +210 half-dozen,161 - 8,051 ten% 25% 45% xv% five%
61-70 +240 8,291 - 10,451 ten% 20% 47% 17% 6%
71-80 +270 ten,721 - thirteen,151 10% 15% 49% 19% 7%
81-90 +270 thirteen,421 - xv,851 ten% 15% 46% 21% 8%
91-100 +270 xvi,121 - eighteen,551 x% 15% 43% 23% 9%
101+ +300 18,851+ ten% 15% forty% 25% 10%

If the role player declines to host one of the facilities that Sophocles offers, he will present the histrion with an item tied to the facility's level. The histrion can only receive Festival Tickets for 1-star facilities if they accept previously spoken to the Dancer outside the castle and received their first Festival Tickets.

Level Gifts
Pearl Pearl
Festival Ticket Festival Ticket
★★ Pearl Pearl
★★★ Nugget Nugget
★★★★ Big Pearl Big Pearl
★★★★★ Big Nugget Big Nugget

When the player reaches Rank 40 and has get the Pokémon League Champion, the selection to change the music that plays at the Festival Plaza becomes bachelor. This can be washed by speaking to the Worker in the castle. Amidst the choices, the music currently selected is colored blue, and the Worker will provide a sample of the selected music before prompting the player to ostend. All music options except Song ane and Vocal ten have ii variations that automatically alter depending on whether the current time is considered to be twenty-four hours or nighttime.

Vocal x is just available in Pokémon Ultra Dominicus and Ultra Moon, and but after forcing Team Rainbow Rocket out of the plaza.

Vocal No. Music Played
ane Festival Plaza
2 Hau'oli Metropolis
three Heahea Metropolis
4 Konikoni Metropolis
five Malie City
half-dozen Iki Boondocks
7 Paniola Boondocks
8 Po Boondocks
nine Seafolk Village
10 U.s. UM Squad Rainbow Rocket

In improver to the in a higher place, some unannounced changes also occur at certain Ranks. Certain visitor requests may merely appear one time the player reaches a certain Rank. Starting at Rank 11, the number of visitors in Festival Plaza who can have requests for the player to fulfill grows from v to six.


Dye house in Festival Plaza

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Delight feel free to edit this department to add missing information and complete information technology.
Reason: Exact values for friendship effects

There are 7 types of facilities the player tin host in Festival Plaza: lottery shops, bouncy houses, haunted houses, food stalls, goody shops, fortune-teller tents, and dye houses. There are multiple different varieties of each blazon of shop as well, by and large offering slight differences in their services, and each of those varieties comes in up to v different "levels" indicated past a number of stars (★). Every shop is run by a unlike, random person; two shops with the exact same name may even be run by different people.

Facilities can more often than not be patronized once a solar day. For goody shops, food stalls, and bouncy houses, this means that each item or service they offer can only be purchased in one case a day.

At first, Festival Plaza is populated by vii facilities (with the seventh being added past Sophocles after the introductory Rank is completed). These initial facilities come in pairs, such equally two food stalls, 2 lottery shops, and two fortune-teller tents, with an extra facility of another type in the final spot. As the role player earns Festival Coins and Ranks, Sophocles will offer new facilities every bit rewards. These facilities can replace any of the seven existing facilities. Starting at Rank 8, the player tin ask visitors if they know any practiced facilities, and they will respond with their favorite facility (first one on the correct), which they volition innovate to the histrion for a fee. In order to identify a facility introduced past a visitor, the player must save the game. Facilities hosted by introduction will greet the player the same way the person who introduced the facility does and comment that they are highly recommended past the person.

Inside the castle in the middle of Festival Plaza, the player tin talk to the man in the dorsum-right to remodel Festival Plaza. This allows the player to swap the positions of shops. The facility that appears first (rightmost from the castle entrance) is classified as the player's favorite and thus will be recommended to other players if they enquire about whatever expert facilities.

Lottery shops

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Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Probabilities of getting each prize

At lottery shops, the player tin can describe a lottery ticket to win a random prize. Drawing a lottery ticket is free. Information technology is also possible for the thespian to randomly earn a bonus drawing, resulting in 2 prizes. The effect at lottery shops is afflicted past the shop's rank (★ to ★★★★★) and may exist affected by fortune tellers' fortunes.

Prizes numbered three through x are the aforementioned beyond all lottery shops, while the number 1 and 2 prizes are different based on store name.

Prize No. Prize
No. i Master Ball Master Brawl (Big Dreams)
Big Nugget Big Nugget (Gilt Rush)
Gold Bottle Cap Gold Canteen Cap (Treasure Chase)
No. 2 Rare Candy Rare Candy (Big Dreams)
Nugget Nugget (Gilt Rush)
Bottle Cap Bottle Cap (Treasure Chase)
No. 3 PP Max PP Max
No. four PP Up PP Upward
No. 5 Max Revive Max Revive
No. 6 Max Elixir Max Elixir
No. 7 Max Ether Max Ether
No. 8 Ultra Ball Ultra Ball
No. ix Full Heal Full Heal
No. 10 Berry Juice Berry Juice

Lottery shops come in four colour variations which are chosen randomly, with the leftmost below being most mutual and the rightmost being rarest. It is unknown whether the colors alter the store's outcomes.

Bouncy houses

At bouncy houses, the player tin allow a Pokémon play to railroad train, increasing its EVs. Bouncy houses may offer multiple courses, but each course can only be played once a twenty-four hours.

Courses 6★ and 7★ are premium purchases that are only unlocked after the player enters the Hall of Fame and their Festival Plaza has reached Rank xxx or college, with at least one rank increase taking place afterward the Hall of Fame entry.

Course Stat
Course A HP
Course B Attack
Class C Defense
Course D Special Attack
Course Eastward Special Defense
Course F Speed
Prices and EVs
Rank Toll EVs
i★ v FC +4
2★ ten FC +8
three★ 15 FC +xvi
four★ thirty FC +32
five★ 50 FC +64
6★ 100 FC +128
vii★ 200 FC +252
Thump-Bump Park
Level Courses
Course B 1★, 6★
Course D 1★, vi★
★★ Grand UM Course B 1★-2★, 6★
Form D 1★-2★, 6★
★★★ M UM Course B i★-3★, half dozen★
Course D 1★-3★, vi★
★★★★ One thousand UM Class B i★-four★, 6★
Course D 1★-4★, 6★
★★★★★ 1000 UM Course B 1★-7★
Course D one★-7★
Clink-Clunk Land
Level Courses
Class C 1★, 6★
Course E one★, six★
★★ S Us Course C one★-two★, 6★
Class E 1★-2★, half dozen★
★★★ Southward Usa Grade C 1★-iii★, six★
Course E one★-3★, 6★
★★★★ Southward US Course C 1★-4★, 6★
Course East 1★-iv★, 6★
★★★★★ S US Grade C i★-7★
Course E one★-7★
Stomp-Stomp Business firm
Level Courses
Form A 1★, vi★
Course F 1★, 6★
★★ S US Class A 1★-two★, 6★
Course F one★-two★, 6★
★★★ M UM Course A ane★-3★, 6★
Course F 1★-iii★, half dozen★
★★★★ S US Class A 1★-4★, 6★
Grade F 1★-iv★, 6★
★★★★★ Yard UM Grade A 1★-7★
Class F 1★-7★

Bouncy houses come in four color variations which are chosen randomly, with the leftmost below existence most common and the rightmost being rarest.

Haunted houses

At haunted houses, the player may pay an admission fee of x FC to send their Pokémon through the house. Somewhere in the house, the Pokémon will option up a random item which it volition give to the player once it emerges. The Pokémon may pick upwards more one detail. The issue at haunted houses may exist affected by the business firm'southward rank (★ to ★★★★★) or fortune tellers' fortunes.

The items below are ordered in descending club of rarity.

Ghosts' Den Trick Room Confuse Ray
Sacred Ash Sacred Ash
Bottle Cap Bottle Cap
PP Up PP Up Max Revive Max Revive Max Elixir Max Elixir
Heart Scale Heart Scale
Patterned Bean Indigo.png Patterned Edible bean
Festival Ticket Festival Ticket
HP Up HP Upwardly Iron Atomic number 26 Calcium Calcium
Protein Protein Carbos Carbos Zinc Zinc
Full Heal Full Heal Hyper Potion Hyper Potion Ultra Ball Ultra Ball
Hard Stone Hard Stone

Haunted houses come in four colour variations which are chosen randomly, with the leftmost below being most mutual and the rightmost being rarest. It is unknown whether the colors change the house's outcomes.

Food stalls

At food stalls, the role player tin purchase meals for their Pokémon. Each stall has a limited availability of meals, just some may have multiple of the same meal bachelor. A repast tin only be fed to a Pokémon that will feel its effect. A Pokémon that would evolve or larn a new move upon level-upwardly volition not do then afterward eating a meal from Rare Kitchen or Boxing Table.

Rows on a light yellowish background are premium purchases that are only unlocked later the player enters the Hall of Fame and their Festival Plaza has reached Rank 30 or higher, with at least one rank increase taking place afterward the Hall of Fame entry.

Rare Kitchen
Level Meal Toll Effect
★+ Rare Breakfast 4 FC +1 level if ≤Lv. 29
★+ Rare Dinner 100 FC +vii level if ≤Lv. 79
★★+ Rare Lunch x FC +1 level if ≤Lv. 39
★★★+ Rare Brunch xx FC +one level if ≤Lv. 49
★★★★+ Rare Dessert xxx FC +i level if ≤Lv. 59
★★★★★ S The states Rare Appetizer forty FC +1 level if ≤Lv. 69
★★★★★ Southward US Rare Buffet 300 FC +9 level if ≤Lv. 89
Boxing Tabular array
Level Meal Cost Effect
★+ HP Lunch 20 FC HP EVs +10
★+ Attack Lunch xx FC Assault EVs +10
★+ Defense Tiffin 20 FC Defense EVs +10
★+ Sp. Atk Dejeuner 20 FC Sp. Atk EVs +10
★+ Sp. Def Tiffin 20 FC Sp. Def EVs +10
★+ Speed Tiffin 20 FC Speed EVs +x
★+ Level-Up Luncheon 3 100 FC +3 level if ≤Lv. 69
★★★★★ S Level-Up Lunch 5 200 FC +5 level if ≤Lv. 79
Friendship Café
Level Repast Cost Event
★+ Friendship Beverage 2 FC Friendship +5
★+ Friendship Lunch 10 FC Friendship +x
★+ Friendship Combo 20 FC Friendship +20
★+ Sweets Set up D thirty FC Friendship, -100 Special Assault EVs
★+ Hole-and-corner Repast D 200 FC Friendship, Special Assail EVs reduced to 0
★★+ Thousand UM Sweets Set E 30 FC Friendship, -100 Special Defence EVs
★★+ Thou UM Sweets Set F 30 FC Friendship, -100 Speed EVs
★★★+ K UM Sweets Set A thirty FC Friendship, -100 HP EVs
★★★+ Yard UM Hole-and-corner Meal E 200 FC Friendship, Special Defence EVs reduced to 0
★★★★+ Thousand UM Sweets Set B 30 FC Friendship, -100 Attack EVs
★★★★★ G UM Sweets Set up C 30 FC Friendship, -100 Defence force EVs
★★★★★ K UM Secret Meal F 200 FC Friendship, Speed EVs reduced to 0
Friendship Parlor
Level Repast Cost Effect
★+ Friendship Drink 2 FC Friendship +5
★+ Friendship Tiffin 10 FC Friendship +10
★+ Friendship Combo 20 FC Friendship +20
★+ Sweets Set A 30 FC Friendship, -100 HP EVs
★+ Secret Meal A 200 FC Friendship, HP EVs reduced to 0
★★+ S US Sweets Set B 30 FC Friendship, -100 Assail EVs
★★+ Southward United states of america Sweets Set C xxx FC Friendship, -100 Defense EVs
★★★+ S US Sweets Set up D thirty FC Friendship, -100 Special Attack EVs
★★★+ Due south US Secret Repast B 200 FC Friendship, Attack EVs reduced to 0
★★★★+ S US Sweets Set E thirty FC Friendship, -100 Special Defense EVs
★★★★★ S US Sweets Set F 30 FC Friendship, -100 Speed EVs
★★★★★ Due south US Secret Repast C 200 FC Friendship, Defense EVs reduced to 0

Food stalls come in 4 color variations which are chosen randomly, with the leftmost below being most common and the rightmost being rarest.

Goody shops

At goody shops, the player may purchase items. Each shop has a limited daily stock, but some may take multiple of the aforementioned detail in their inventory.

Rows on a calorie-free yellow background are premium purchases that are simply unlocked after the player enters the Hall of Fame and their Festival Plaza has reached Rank thirty or higher, with at least one rank increase taking place after the Hall of Fame entry.

Ball Shop
Level Inventory Cost Contains
★+ Ball Set up A 12 FC Poké Ball Poké Ball ×12
★+ Brawl Set D 24 FC Dive Ball Dive Ball ×12
★★+ Brawl Set B 24 FC Great Ball Corking Ball ×12
★★+ M UM Ball Set Eastward 24 FC Nest Ball Nest Ball ×12
★★+ M UM Ball Set F 24 FC Repeat Ball Repeat Ball ×12
★★+ Yard UM Ball Set up G 24 FC Timer Ball Timer Ball ×12
★★★ 1000 UM Ball Set up C 48 FC Ultra Ball Ultra Ball ×12
★★★ Grand UM Ball Fix H 24 FC Dusk Ball Dusk Brawl ×12
★★★ Chiliad UM Ball Prepare I 24 FC Heal Ball Heal Ball ×12
★★★ M UM Brawl Set J 24 FC Quick Ball Quick Ball ×12
★★★ K UM Ball Set K 24 FC Premier Ball Premier Ball ×12
General Store
Level Inventory Cost Contains
★+ Honey Set ten FC Honey Dearest ×iv
★+ Johto Set up ten FC Rage Candy Bar Rage Candy Bar ×4
★+ Value Product 10 FC Big Pearl Big Pearl

Ball Set A 12 FC Poké Ball Poké Ball ×12

Water Set 12 FC Fresh Water Fresh Water ×12
★★+ Hoenn Set 10 FC Lava Cookie Lava Cookie ×4
★★★+ Ball Ready B 24 FC Great Ball Bully Brawl ×12
★★★+ Sinnoh Set 10 FC Old Gateau Old Gateau ×4
Soda Prepare 18 FC Soda Pop Soda Pop ×12
★★★★+ Unova Gear up x FC Casteliacone Casteliacone ×4
★★★★★ G Ball Set up C 48 FC Ultra Ball Ultra Brawl ×12
★★★★★ Grand UM Kalos Set up 10 FC Shalour Sable Shalour Sable ×4
★★★★★ M UM Lemonade Gear up 24 FC Lemonade Lemonade ×12
★★★★★ M UM Unusual Product 200 FC PP Up PP Up
Battle Store
Level Inventory Price Contains
★+ Boxing Set D x FC X Attack X Assault ×4
★+ Battle Set up E 10 FC X Defense X Defense ×iv
★+ Boxing Prepare H 10 FC X Speed 10 Speed ×iv
★+ Honey Gear up 10 FC Honey Honey ×iv
★+ Repel Set 24 FC Max Repel Max Repel ×12
★+ Toy Set x FC Poké Toy Poké Toy ×four
★★+ M UM Battle Set F 10 FC X Sp. Atk X Sp. Atk ×4
★★+ 1000 UM Battle Set Thou x FC X Sp. Def 10 Sp. Def ×4
★★★ M UM Battle Fix A 10 FC Guard Spec. Guard Spec. ×4
★★★ Grand UM Battle Set B 10 FC Dire Hit Dire Hit ×4
★★★ M UM Battle Set C ten FC X Accuracy X Accuracy ×four
Level Inventory Cost Contains
★+ Total Heal Set 16 FC Full Heal Total Heal ×iv
★+ Medicine Fix 16 FC Hyper Potion Hyper Potion ×four
★+ Unusual Med B fifty FC Ether Ether
★★★ Due south US Attack Set 60 FC Protein Protein ×4
★★★ Southward United states Defence force Set 60 FC Iron Iron ×four
★★★ South The states HP Set threescore FC HP Up HP Up ×4
★★★ S United states Revive Set 25 FC Revive Revive ×4
★★★ Due south US Sp. Atk Ready 60 FC Calcium Calcium ×4
★★★ S Us Sp. Def Set 60 FC Zinc Zinc ×four
★★★ S United states of america Speed Ready lx FC Carbos Carbos ×4
★★★ S US Unusual Med A 100 FC Max Revive Max Revive
Soft Drink Parlor
Level Inventory Cost Contains
★+ Milk Ready 30 FC Moomoo MilkMoomoo Milk ×24
★+ Water Gear up 12 FC Fresh Water Fresh Water ×12
★+ Soda Set up eighteen FC Soda Pop Soda Pop ×12
★+ Lemonade Fix 24 FC Lemonade Lemonade ×12
★★★ three× Milk, Water, Soda, Lemonade Sets respective FC costs respective amounts

Goody shops come in four color variations which are called randomly, with the leftmost beneath existence most common and the rightmost being rarest.

Fortune-teller tents

At a fortune-teller tent, the fortune teller can suggest a place where the role player may take "luck". This may be described as "decent", "good", or "pretty proficient" luck. If the fortune teller says the player will accept luck at a lottery shop or haunted house, so if they visit the suggested location, they may receive a better result than they would have before hearing it. For example, if the player may take luck in a lottery store, the prize may turn out better or the player may get a bonus drawing. The fortune teller tin also say the role player volition take luck in Festival Plaza itself; this volition increase the amount of FC the player receives for completing requests, either doubling (for decent luck), tripling (adept luck), or quadrupling it (pretty good luck). Luck in the GTS or Wonder Trade will similarly multiply the reward for talking to a person (at the correct table inside the castle) after doing one of those trades.

The fortune teller volition also give the player a phrase to "bring you lot luck". This phrase volition be added to the role player'due south repertoire of phrases they can apply to customize their letters in their Festival Plaza profile settings. They are added into the Common Phrases category.

The histrion can only have their fortune told once a twenty-four hours, but if they return to the fortune teller, they may rehear their fortune.

Fortune-teller tents accuse 10 FC for their services.

First use of fortune-teller's service will e'er be decent luck on Wonder Trade.

  • Kanto Tent M UM
  • Johto Tent Southward United states of america
  • Hoenn Tent K UM
  • Sinnoh Tent S Usa
  • Unova Tent M UM
  • Kalos Tent S US
  • Pokémon House

All tents accept three levels: ★, ★★★, and ★★★★★.

Fortune-teller tents come up in four color variations which are chosen randomly, with the leftmost below existence virtually common and the rightmost existence rarest. It is unknown whether the colors change the tent'southward outcomes.

Dye houses

At dye houses, the actor tin dye their white fashion items different colors. The histrion can use the shop'southward dyes, or they tin can apply Berries from their Bag to create a dye to use. The player can as well redye any item they have previously dyed.

Dye houses
  • Team Cherry-red S The states
  • Squad Xanthous M UM
  • Team Light-green S United states
  • Squad Blueish Grand UM
  • Team Orange S U.s.a.
  • Team Navy Bluish G UM
  • Squad Purple S US
  • Team Pink M UM

All dye houses are offered in iii levels: ★, ★★★, and ★★★★★.

Squad <Color>
Level Option Cost
★+ Dye any dyed wear white 10 FC
★+ Dye any white or dyed vesture Pastel <Colour> 100 FC

Using Berries: dye whatsoever white or dyed clothing any pastel colour 10 FC
★★★+ Dye any white or dyed wear Dark <Color> 100 FC
★★★+ Using Berries: dye any white or dyed clothing any dark color 10 FC
★★★★★ Dye whatever white or dyed wearable Bright <Colour> 100 FC

Using Berries from the player, dye houses tin dye whatever white or dyed clothing any color in a pastel or dark shade (depending on the house'due south level). The table below shows the Berries needed to dye dress different colors.

Color Berry Berry Drupe
Pastel Reddish Pomeg Berry Pomeg ×15 Tamato Berry Tamato ×fifteen Cheri Berry Cheri ×15
Night Red Occa Berry Occa ×30 Figy Berry Figy ×30 Liechi Berry Liechi ×30
Pastel Yellowish Sitrus Berry Sitrus ×fifteen Qualot Berry Qualot ×fifteen Grepa Berry Grepa ×xv
Night Xanthous Aspear Berry Aspear ×xxx Iapapa Berry Iapapa ×30 Wacan Berry Wacan ×thirty
Pastel Dark-green Hondew Berry Hondew ×fifteen Rawst Berry Rawst ×15 Lum Berry Lum ×15
Dark Light-green Aguav Berry Aguav ×30 Salac Berry Salac ×30 Rindo Berry Rindo ×thirty
Pastel Blue Kelpsy Berry Kelpsy ×15 Oran Berry Oran ×15 Maranga Berry Maranga ×15
Dark Blue Passho Berry Passho ×xxx Yache Berry Yache ×30 Coba Berry Coba ×xxx
Pastel Orange Leppa Berry Leppa ×15 Kee Berry Kee ×15 Sitrus Berry Sitrus ×fifteen
Dark Orange Chople Berry Chople ×30 Charti Berry Charti ×thirty Shuca Berry Shuca ×xxx
Pastel Navy Bluish Apicot Berry Apicot ×15 Kelpsy Berry Kelpsy ×fifteen Chesto Berry Chesto ×15
Nighttime Navy Blue Passho Berry Passho ×30 Coba Berry Coba ×30 Payapa Berry Payapa ×xxx
Pastel Purple Chesto Berry Chesto ×xv Wiki Berry Wiki ×xv Ganlon Berry Ganlon ×15
Dark Purple Kasib Berry Kasib ×30 Colbur Berry Colbur ×30 Payapa Berry Payapa ×thirty
Pastel Pinkish Pecha Berry Pecha ×fifteen Persim Berry Persim ×15 Mago Berry Mago ×fifteen
Dark Pink Mago Berry Mago ×thirty Petaya Berry Petaya ×30 Roseli Berry Roseli ×30

Each dye house has a color scheme matching its dyes, every bit shown below.


Substitution centers only appear in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. They shuffle the rental Pokémon available for the Battle Agency. Each star rank increases the number of times per day that a shuffle can occur, and it costs 10 FC to shuffle.

Unlike other methods of shuffling the board, commutation centers exclude sure Pokémon from appearing. For an agent who has non reached Grade fifty yet, the exclusion list varies depending on that day's boxing condition (weather or terrain). After Grade 50, the exclusion listing associated with no special condition is always used.

Exchange centers come in four color variations which are chosen randomly, with the leftmost beneath being most common and the rightmost being rarest.

Introduction costs

The table below describes the costs, in Festival Coins, to have a visitor innovate a given facility to the thespian's Festival Plaza. If the histrion already has a given facility, its introduction price will rise, costing double for the second 1, triple for the third, and and then on.

Level Toll
fifty FC
★★ 100 FC
★★★ 400 FC
★★★★ 800 FC
★★★★★ 1500 FC


Amongst the visitors normally in Festival Plaza at any one fourth dimension, there will be a handful who need something from the player. This may be some request or question, or they may only wish to share some information. Initially, five visitors in Festival Plaza will have some request for the thespian, only this grows as the player's Rank increases.

Rank Requests
1-10 5
eleven-xix 6
xx-30 7
31-forty eight
41-fifty 9
51+ 10

All visitors in Festival Plaza show a whisper when the player is near enough to them, merely for those with requests, the whisper is colored purple. These requests last for an hour from when the game created them, which is either immediately when a previous fix of requests expired or when the player last loaded the game. The visitors who will take requests are selected at random each fourth dimension.

Upon completing a request, the player volition be rewarded with Festival Coins. Different requests may yield different amounts of coins, and VIPs volition give more than coins than guests will. If the same people remain in the actor'due south Festival Plaza for an extended period of time, afterwards a while they will give half the normal advantage, and a while after that they will give a quarter of the normal reward (rounded to the nearest number). Fortune tellers' fortunes may also affect the amount of coins gained. Additionally, aside from guests and VIPs, immediately afterward the introductory Rank is completed, there will as well exist a handful of default NPC visitors in Festival Plaza; these visitors only give the player rewards of 4 FC for well-nigh requests or 8 FC for requests with the whisper "Tell me! Tell me!".

The table below summarizes all of the possible requests by their whisper and the rewards earned for completing them.

Whisper Type Advantage
Guests VIPs
I'thou hungry! Recommendations v FC 8 FC
I want to shop!
I want to brand my Pokémon happy!
I want to see corking moves S M /skills U.s. UM !
I want to care for myself!
I want to be excited!
I want my Pokémon to play!
Practise you know how I feel? Recommendations 10 FC 15 FC
Tell me! Tell me! Questionnaires 10 FC xv FC
Listen! Listen!
The requestor may share various things.
Sharing 5 FC 8 FC
Mind! Listen!
Asking: Will you mind to the story virtually my Festival Plaza?
Sharing 20 FC xxx FC
Do you want to know a hush-hush? Sharing 20 FC 30 FC
I want to meet! I want to meet! Challenge thirty FC 45 FC
fifteen FC 23 FC
Boxing! Battle! Challenge fifteen FC 23 FC
Do you understand S M /know Us UM ? Challenge 15 FC 23 FC


This group of requests requires the actor to straight the requestor to a satisfactory facility in their Festival Plaza. Seven of these requests have fixed responses. The table below describes these requests and the adequate responses.

Whisper Request Answers
I'1000 hungry! We're hungry. Accept us to a yummy place. Food stalls
I want to store! I desire to shop. Volition you recommend a good place to shop? Goody shops
I want to make my Pokémon happy! Accept me to a place that Pokémon tin can enjoy! Bouncy houses, food stalls, haunted houses
I want to see neat moves South M /skills U.s. UM ! Take me to a place where I can meet real skilled work. Dye houses, food stalls, fortune-teller tents
I want to treat myself! Take me to a identify where I can treat myself! Dye houses, fortune-teller tents, goody shops, lottery shops, exchange centers
I desire to exist excited! Take me to an exciting place! Fortune-teller tents, haunted houses, lottery shops, exchange centers
I want my Pokémon to play! Have me to a place where my Pokémon tin can play! Bouncy houses, haunted houses
Do you know how I feel? Take me to a identify yous think I'd like! Depends on the owner's gender

For the "Accept me to a place yous think I'd like!" request, the right and wrong answers depend on the gender of the person who owns each facility. That is, if 2 facilities are owned by females, then the current requestor will either like or dislike both, and the opposite volition be truthful for the rest that are owned past males. It is unclear what influences which gender is the correct one for each request.

The player tin back out of whatsoever recommendation asking without exhausting it, meaning they can speak to the person again afterwards to consummate the request.


The whisper "Tell me! Tell me!" comprises 16 different requests, all of which are questionnaires the player must answer. Each request has a number of custom responses, also as a standard "No comment" response. If the player answers "No comment", they will not receive Festival Coins and the asking volition be exhausted. Any other answer is rewarded.

These questionnaires are ever asked in order. That is, if two people are whispering "Tell me! Tell me!", whichever person is asked first will inquire the next question. After the player answers the terminal questionnaire, the next requestor will start with the start questionnaire again.

The player's responses to these questionnaires announced in their profile when they are visitors to other players' Festival Plazas.


The sharing requests simply require the player to heed to something the requestor wishes to share. The "Listen! Listen!" whisper tin can lead to two different kinds of requests. In one, the requestor will share one or more of their records at random. Sometimes, this asking may come prefaced with a alarm that information technology may mention things the player has not seen in their game yet; if the thespian backs out of the request in response to this, the request will exist wearied. For the other type of request, the person will start by request, "Will you lot listen to the story nigh my Festival Plaza?" If the thespian declines at this betoken, the request is not wearied. At the cease of both of these types of requests, the person will solicit the actor's stance on their records, only this answer ("Nifty!" or "Could be ameliorate.") does not modify whether the player is rewarded.

In the case of the "Do you want to know a secret?" whisper, the requestor will offer to share their hush-hush with the player. However, if the histrion has not prepare an reply for their own secret in their profile, the person volition dorsum out until the actor has set it. Whether the player has not gear up their own undercover or they respond that they exercise non want to know the person's secret, this asking is not exhausted.


These requests challenge the player regarding records and rankings. These are shown in the guests' and VIPs' profiles in the invitee and VIP lists.

The "I desire to meet! I want to meet!" whisper is followed past a request of the course, "Amidst the people in Festival Plaza, I'd like to meet ane with crawly [some records] and high [some Rank]." The player is shown a option of guests and VIPs to browse, check records (with their rank visible as "No. Ten" on the left side of the rankings), and eventually select from; however, this choice does non comprise all people in Festival Plaza and if the player backs out and speaks to the requestor again, the choice can change. If the player selects someone with a rank of 1-9, they will exist rewarded with 30 FC if the requestor is non a VIP; if they select someone with a rank of 10-25, they will be rewarded with xv FC; otherwise they will receive v FC. If enough visitors are tied that merely high ranks are possible, so if the selected person has a rank that is the worst possible rank, the player may receive a smaller advantage. This request is not exhausted if the thespian backs out of it before selecting a person.

The "Practice you understand S M /know US UM ?" whisper can pb to two dissimilar kinds of requests. The first is somewhat similar to the "I want to meet! I desire to run into!" whisper, request, "Is my [Something] Rank college or lower than the midpoint among your [guests/VIPs]?" This may too be using the same basic criteria equally the request above, significant that it is asking how the value of their ranking compares with the value of half of the full number of guests or VIPs (depending on which the person is). This request cannot be backed out of afterwards speaking to the requestor. For the other blazon of request, the requestor will ask the thespian to correctly approximate their answer to a questionnaire. This kind of request is not wearied if the player backs out of it earlier selecting an answer.

The "Boxing! Battle!" whisper is followed by, "Permit's have a record battle amongst these 3, shall nosotros?", and the person presents the thespian with three different types of records. The role player is too given an option to run across their accomplishments for the three records in question. When the histrion chooses a record to boxing with, if their record is higher than the requestor'southward, they are rewarded with Festival Coins. A tie does not earn a reward. Backing out of this request does not exhaust it.


Type matchup tests! mission in Festival Plaza

Later on achieving Festival Rank 4, players are able to create cooperative missions to complete with visitors. Mission objectives include catching Pokémon and answering specific types of questions asked past guests.

The actor may play a mission alone or cooperate with other players using communication features. To host a mission, the role player must apply a Festival Ticket and speak to the Dancer by the castle's bridge. In one case a day, she will give the thespian three Festival Tickets. If the player is online, they may bring together another histrion's mission in progress either by tapping the crimson marquee that appears on the screen or by speaking to the Dancer and selecting from the list of ongoing missions.

When the fourth dimension is up, the participants' scores are totaled. If the goal was reached, the player receives FC. The maximum score is 10 stars (★). Each mission defines the minimum and maximum amounts of FC that can exist earned by completing it. The FC the player earns is calculated by multiplying the minimum FC by the number of stars earned in the mission.

Normal missions

050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete information technology.

When the player chooses to play a mission, they are initially presented with a list of nine missions they can host, pulled from the list below. Certain of the missions beneath, such every bit "Find fans!" and "Big costume contest!" take contradictory goals and volition never announced together in the same list.

In the blazon enthusiast, true selves/disguises, and color enquiry missions, the game volition only accept two, five, or v (respectively) people that fulfill the mission's objective in the Festival Plaza at the same time.

Mission Target Time limit Obtainable Festival Coins Objective
Break boulders rapidly! 00050 1:30 three to 30 Intermission boulders with Tauros
Show off muscles! 00004 2:00 6 to 60 Talk to visitors who cheer on the actor while riding Machamp
Send people to [facility]! 00004 2:xxx 4 to 40 S Chiliad
five to 50 US UM
Direct visitors to listed blazon of facility; functions very similar to recommendations
[Linguistic communication] lesson! 00005 iii:00 3 to 30 S M
four to xl U.s. UM
Talk to visitors whose native language is the aforementioned equally the mission'southward target
Cross-cultural communications! 00004 3:00 4 to 40 Due south G
5 to 50 US UM
Talk to visitors that have a different native language than the player
Blazon matchup tests! 00005 3:00 5 to l S M
six to lx US UM
Choose a blazon that is super-effective as an attack against the defensive typings proposed by visitors
Inverse type matchup tests! 00005 iii:00 half-dozen to 60 Choose a type that is weak as an attack against the defensive typings proposed by visitors; amnesty is treated equally not very effective when computing dual type effectiveness
Find [Type]-blazon enthusiasts! Office 1 00003 three:00 3 to 30 Southward One thousand
four to 40 US UM
Talk to visitors who proper noun a Pokémon that has the type that is the mission's target; merely Pokémon from the Alola Pokédex are used
Discover [Type]-type enthusiasts! Part 2 00004 3:00 5 to 50 Talk to visitors who name a Pokémon that has the type that is the mission'south target; all Pokémon can exist used
Find fans! 00006 2:00 4 to twoscore S Yard
5 to l U.s. UM
Talk to visitors dressed exactly the same as the player
Large costume contest! 00006 2:00 4 to 40 Talk to visitors dressed differently than the histrion; some differences may only exist ane-2 manufactures of clothing
Greet experienced Trainers! 00004 2:00 5 to 50 South M
6 to 60 US UM
Talk to visitors who say "I'one thousand an experienced Trainer."
Find people in love! 00004 ii:00 v to 50 South M
6 to sixty US UM
Talk to visitors who say "I have someone I dear!"
Find alone people! 00004 2:00 5 to 50 Talk to visitors who say "I don't have anyone I love."
Survey most [gender] friends! 00004 2:00 5 to l Due south M
six to 60 US UM
Talk to visitors who say "I take a lot of [gender] friends."
Detect big brothers and sisters! 00004 2:00 v to 50 S 1000
vi to sixty Us UM
Talk to visitors who say "I'm the oldest amid my siblings."
Find middle children! 00004 2:00 5 to 50 Talk to visitors who say "I'1000 in the eye among my siblings."
Personality matters near! 00004 ii:00 5 to 50 S M
half dozen to 60 US UM
Talk to visitors who say "Personality matters."
Looks matter about! 00004 2:00 5 to 50 Talk to visitors who say "Looks affair."
Secrets are something to keep! 00004 2:00 5 to fifty S Grand
half dozen to 60 US UM
Talk to visitors who say "I will keep secrets at all costs."
Secrets are something to leak! 00004 2:00 v to 50
Active in my complimentary time! 00004 2:00 5 to 50
Chill out in your gratuitous time? 00004 2:00 5 to fifty Due south M
6 to lx US UM
Talk to visitors who say "I like to stay home when I'm gratis."
Truthful selves are the best! 00006 2:00 4 to forty S 1000
v to l United states of america UM
Talk to visitors who are not wearing a chapeau and glasses
See through people's disguises! 00006 2:00 4 to twoscore Talk to visitors who are wearing a hat and glasses
Research [colour]! 00006 2:00 5 to 50 S Chiliad
six to 60 US UM
Talk to visitors wearing clothes and accessories that are all the mission'southward target color

Reward cutoffs

Mission Individual stars Group stars
1★ 2★ three★ 4★ 5★ 1★ 2★ 3★ four★ five★
Pause boulders speedily! 50 ~65 80 ? 92 ≤380 ? ? ? 1930
Show off muscles! four 5 6 8 ? ≤22 ? ? ? ?
Send people to [facility]! 4 5 7 viii ? ? ? ? ? ?
[Linguistic communication] lesson! v ? ≤10 ? ? ≤22 ? ? ? ?
Cross-cultural communications! 4 6 8 x 12 ≤19 ? ≤139 ≤201 ≤255
Regular/Inverse blazon matchup tests 5 viii 10 xiii 16 20 ~seventy ≤151 ≤219 ?
Observe [Type]-blazon enthusiasts! Part i 3 4 v 6 7 ≤12 ≤36 ? ? ?
Notice [Type]-type enthusiasts! Part 2 iv 5 6 7 viii ≤sixteen ≤57 ? ? ?
Notice fans! / Large costume contest! six 7 8 9 x ≤32 ? ? ? ?
All survey-based missions four 5 six seven 8 15-xvi ≤71 ? ? ?
True selves are the best! / Come across through people's disguises! half-dozen 7 8 9 10 ? ? ? ? ?
Research [color]! 6 7 8 ix x ? ? ? ? ?

Global missions

Global missions are held at certain times, which all players around the earth piece of work together to complete. If the mission's goal is met, every participating player receives the reward. Players receive a alleviation prize if the goal is not met. Both the advantage and the consolation prize are doubled if the actor has registered their Game Sync ID at the Pokémon Global Link.[one]

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Starting with the third global mission, players with a linked PGL account will receive 5 Rare Candies if they add a certain number of points towards the goal. If they practice so and the mission's terminate result is at least twice the corporeality of the goal, they will receive an additional Poké Ball variant.

Start date (0:00 UTC) End engagement (23:59 UTC) Mission Reward (Succeed/Neglect) PGL member bonuses Goal Final Upshot
November 29, 2016 December 12, 2016 Catch a lot of Pokémon!
Catch as many wild Pokémon every bit possible during the mission menstruation!
ane,000 FC/100 FC None 100,000,000 16,423,231 (Failure)
Dec 27, 2016 January nine, 2017 Find Pokémon using Island Scan!
Find as many Pokémon equally possible using the Isle Browse!
two,017 FC/217 FC None 1,000,000 661,839 (Failure)
January 31, 2017 February xiii, 2017 Trade Pokémon at the GTS!
Trade as many Pokémon as possible at the GTS during the mission flow!
2,000 FC/200 FC If player trades 5 times: five Rare Candies
Above + doubled goal: Friend Brawl
1,000,000 4,107,702 (Success)
February 28, 2017 March thirteen, 2017 Get BP at the Battle Tree!
Earn as many Boxing Points as possible at the Battle Tree during the mission menstruation!
2,000 FC/200 FC If player earns 3 BP: 5 Rare Candies
In a higher place + doubled goal: Heavy Ball
250,000 15,671,838 (Success)
March 28, 2017 April 10, 2017 Hatch a lot of Eggs!
Hatch as many Pokémon Eggs as possible during the mission period!
2,000 FC/200 FC If player hatches iii Eggs: 5 Rare Candies
Above + doubled goal: Love Brawl
200,000 fourteen,503,078 (Success)
April 25, 2017 May 9, 2017 Harvest Poké Beans!
Harvest as many Poké Beans as possible on Poké Pelago during the mission menstruation!
2,000 FC/200 FC If histrion harvests thirty Poké Beans: five Rare Candies
In a higher place + doubled goal: Level Ball
iii,000,000 75,230,246 (Success)
May thirty, 2017 June 12, 2017 Fish Pokémon at rare spots!
Detect fishing spots with bubbles coming out, and fish as many Pokémon or items equally possible during the mission period!
2,000 FC/200 FC If player hooks 3 Pokémon/items: 5 Rare Candies
To a higher place + doubled goal: Lure Brawl
500,000[2] 1,228,170 (Success)
June 27, 2017 July x, 2017 Defend Your Champion Title!
Defend your Pokémon League Champion championship as many times every bit possible during the mission period!
two,000 FC/200 FC If player defends title one time: 5 Rare Candies
Above + doubled goal: Moon Ball
100,000 235,111 (Success)
July 25, 2017 Baronial seven, 2017 Endeavour Your Luck!
Win as many lotos[sic] equally possible at Festival Plaza and tourist bureaus during the mission period!
2,000 FC/200 FC If actor draws one lotto: 5 Rare Candies
To a higher place + doubled goal: Fast Brawl
1,000 xxx,256 (Success)

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

A new set of Global missions for Pokémon Ultra Dominicus and Ultra Moon were revealed on November 8th, 2017[iii]. Unlike Pokémon Sun and Moon, these were revealed on a set up schedule.

Start date (0:00 UTC) End date (23:59 UTC) Mission Reward (Succeed/Neglect) PGL member bonuses Goal Final Event
November sixteen, 2017 November 27, 2017 Catch a lot of Pokémon!
Catch as many wild Pokémon as possible during the mission period!
two,000 FC/one,000 FC None 10,000,000 five,442,088 (Failure)
December 12, 2017 December 25, 2017 Take Fun Mantine Surfing!
Enjoy Mantine Surfing, and earn as many Beach Points (BP) every bit possible during the mission flow!
four,000FC/ii,000 FC None 1,000,000 viii,543,244 (Success)
January ix, 2018 January 22, 2018 Win at the Battle Agency!
Win as many times every bit possible at the Battle Agency in Festival Plaza during the mission period!
iv,000 FC/2,000 FC None 100,000 1,111,490 (Success)
February 6, 2018 February 20, 2018 Harvest Poké Beans!
Harvest as many Poké Beans as possible on Poké Pelago during the mission menses!
four,000 FC/2,000 FC None xxx,000,000 47,419,246 (Success)
March 6, 2018 March xx, 2018 Trade Pokémon at the GTS!
Merchandise every bit many Pokémon as possible at the GTS during the mission flow!
4,000 FC/2,000 FC None 1,000,000 771,567 (Failure)
April 3, 2018 April 17, 2018 Hatch a lot of Eggs!
Hatch as many Pokémon Eggs as possible during the mission menstruum!
4,000 FC/2,000 FC None iii,000,000 4,887,292 (Success)
May 1, 2018 May fifteen, 2018 Go BP at the Battle Tree!
Earn as many Boxing Points as possible at the Battle Tree during the mission period!
4,000 FC/two,000 FC None two,000,000

two,929,635 (Success)

June 5, 2018 June 19, 2018 Play in Festival Plaza!
Spend every bit many Festival Coins as possible during the mission period!
4,000 FC/2,000 FC None 5,000,000 47,661,005 (Success)

Episode RR

Festival Plaza during Episode RR

In the prologue to Episode RR, Team Rainbow Rocket hacks into Festival Plaza, taking it over and changing its appearance. The player, accompanied by Sophocles, arrives to realize they have been prevented from using their own Pokémon. To combat this, the player battles a Squad Rainbow Rocket Grunt with three rental Pokémon from the Battle Agency. While Team Rainbow Rocket is occupied, Sophocles overrides the hack and restores control, booting the Grunts from the plaza. He and so gives the thespian an Squirt Button as thank you, every bit well as giving them the ability to remodel the Festival Plaza to resemble its appearance under Squad Rainbow Rocket's command.


Item Location Games
Eject Button Squirt Push button From Sophocles after defeating the Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt  US  UM


Trainer Pokémon
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Reward: PokémonDollar.pngNorth/A
020 Raticate / Lv.50
Held icon VI.png Oran Berry
024 Arbok / Lv.l
Held icon VI.png Lum Drupe
042 Golbat / Lv.l
Held icon VI.png Rocky Helmet


Game Default Glitz A fairy tale Subdued tone
Sun Festival Plaza SMUSUM.png Festival Plaza glitz SMUSUM.png Festival Plaza a fairy tale SMUSUM.png Festival Plaza subdued tone SMUSUM.png
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon

In other languages

Linguistic communication Title
Chinese Cantonese 圓慶廣場 Yùhnhing Gwóngchèuhng
Mandarin 圓慶廣場 / 圆庆广场 Yuánqìng Guǎngchǎng
France Flag.png French Place Festival
Germany Flag.png German Festival-Plaza
Hungary Flag.png Hungarian Fesztivál Plázában
Italy Flag.png Italian Festiplaza
South Korea Flag.png Korean 페스서클 Fes Circle
Russia Flag.png Russian Фестивальная площадь Festival'naya ploshchad'
Spain Flag.png Spanish Festi Plaza


  1. The Outset Global Mission Goal Was Just Missed | Pokémon Global Link
  2. The English language website erroneously states that 250,000 is the goal
  3. How to Participate in Global Missions


Pokémon List • Pokédex • Bag • Trainer Card/League Card • Save • Options
Pokégear • PokéNav • PokéNav Plus • P★DA • Pokétch • C-Gear
PSS • Amie • Super Training • Rotom Pokédex • Refresh
QR Scanner • Festival Plaza • Poké Pelago • Partner Play • Communicate
Rotom Phone • Y-Comm • Town Map • Pokémon Army camp • Mystery Gift • VS

Squad Rainbow Rocket

Dominate: Giovanni (Masters)
Notable members: Maxie • Archie • Cyrus • Ghetsis • Lysandre
Lower members: Faba • Team Rainbow Rocket Grunts
Locations: Festival Plaza • Team Rocket's Castle
Melemele Trial Completion.png Akala Trial Completion.png Ula'ula Trial Completion.png Poni Trial Completion.png
Melemele Island • Akala Island • Ula'ula Isle • Poni Isle • Aether Paradise
Iki Boondocks • Hau'oli City • Heahea Metropolis • Paniola Town • Konikoni City • Malie City • Tapu Village • Po Town
Seafolk Village • Pokémon League
ane • 2 • 3 • iv • v • 6 • seven • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • fifteen • 16 • 17
Mahalo Trail • Trainers' School • Hau'oli Cemetery • Berry fields • Verdant Cavern • Melemele Meadow • Seaward Cave • Kala'e Bay
Ten Carat Hill • Paniola Ranch • Brooklet Hill • Melemele Sea • Diglett's Tunnel • Imperial Avenue • Battle Royal Dome • Wela Volcano Park
Lush Jungle • Memorial Hill • Akala Outskirts • Ruins of Life • Hano Thousand Resort • Hano Beach • Malie Garden • Mount Hokulani
Hokulani Observatory • Blush Mountain • Ula'ula Beach • Aether House • Thrifty Megamart (Abased Site) • Haina Desert
Ruins of Abundance • Ula'ula Meadow • Lake of the Moone • Lake of the Sunne • Shady House • Poni Wilds • Ancient Poni Path
Poni Breaker Declension • Ruins of Hope • Exeggutor Island • Vast Poni Coulee • Chantry of the Sunne • Altar of the Moone • Mountain Lanakila
Ruins of Disharmonize • Poni Grove • Poni Plains • Poni Meadow • Resolution Cave • Poni Coast • Poni Gauntlet • Boxing Tree
Festival Plaza • Poké Pelago • Large Wave Embankment • Sandy Cave • Heahea Beach • Pikachu Valley • Dividing Top Tunnel
Kantonian Gym • Poni Embankment • Plains Grotto • Team Rocket's Castle
Ultra Space
Ultra Deep Sea • Ultra Megalopolis • Megalo Tower • Ultra Jungle • Ultra Desert • Ultra Found • Ultra Forest • Ultra Crater • Ultra Ruin
Ultra Infinite Wilds


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